Tuesday and Wednesday Nights - Early Evening Shows
placeCalgary, AB
Tuesday and Wednesday Nights
Before covid Gravity held emerging artist nights on both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The addition of these early evening shows is the rebirth of pre-covid times.
Running from 5.30pm to 7pm on Tuesday and Wednesday nights emerging artists and acts will be able to perform an early show while getting used to being on stage and honing their act. With less venues in town we want to be able to support our up and coming generation of musicians.
But wait! Are you an established musician that wants to swing by after your day job, play solo or jam with friends? Then these early evening shows are open to you to! Book away!
Entry to the audience is free and a tip bucket will be provided to hopefully make the event financially worthwhile for the artist. A $25 bar credit will be provided to the artist.
Cafe Gravity - Inglewood
businessCoffee Shop/Cafe
- Available for booking
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